Saturday, September 25, 2010

Basic Instructions

Now let's examine some of the basic instructions is greater detail to see more about what each one does.

The load (LD) instruction is a normally open contact. It is sometimes also called examine if on.(XIO) (as in examine the input to see if its physically on) The symbol for a load instruction is shown below.

A load symbol A LoaD (contact) symbol
This is used when an input signal is needed to be present for the symbol to turn on. When the physical input is on we can say that the instruction is True. We examine the input for an on signal. If the input is physically on then the symbol is on. An on condition is also referred to as a logic 1 state.

This symbol normally can be used for internal inputs, external inputs and external output contacts. Remember that internal relays don't physically exist. They are simulated (software) relays.

The LoaDBar instruction is a normally closed contact. It is sometimes also called LoaDNot or examine if closed. (XIC) (as in examine the input to see if its physically closed) The symbol for a loadbar instruction is shown below.

Normally closed symbolA LoaDNot (normally closed contact) symbol
This is used when an input signal does not need to be present for the symbol to turn on. When the physical input is off we can say that the instruction is True. We examine the input for an off signal. If the input is physically off then the symbol is on. An off condition is also referred to as a logic 0 state.

This symbol normally can be used for internal inputs, external inputs and sometimes, external output contacts. Remember again that internal relays don't physically exist. They are simulated (software) relays. It is the exact opposite of the Load instruction.

*NOTE- With most PLCs this instruction (Load or Loadbar) MUST be the first symbol on the left of the ladder.

Logic StateLoadLoadBar

The Out instruction is sometimes also called an OutputEnergize instruction. The output instruction is like a relay coil. Its symbol looks as shown below.

Output symbolAn OUT (coil) symbol
When there is a path of True instructions preceding this on the ladder rung, it will also be True. When the instruction is True it is physically On. We can think of this instruction as a normally open output. This instruction can be used for internal coils and external outputs.

The Outbar instruction is sometimes also called an OutNot instruction. Some vendors don't have this instruction. The outbar instruction is like a normally closed relay coil. Its symbol looks like that shown below.

Normally closed outputAn OUTBar (normally closed coil) symbol

When there is a path of False instructions preceding this on the ladder rung, it will be True. When the instruction is True it is physically On. We can think of this instruction as a normally closed output. This instruction can be used for internal coils and external outputs.

 It is the exact opposite of the Out instruction.

Logic StateOutOutBar

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